“Moscow Treaty is the Tomb of Armenia” (video)
Important news – Politics.
Levon Shirinyan – I ask the Russians, under what principle of international law was it robbed of Armenia, what principle of the Armenian people’s right to the motherland has been abolished
According to the Moscow treaty signed 95 years ago today, huge territories of Armenia were donated by Soviet Russia to Ottoman Turkey.
“The March 16, 1921, Moscow-Russian-Turkish brotherhood and friendship treaty is, in essence, the tombstone of Armenia. The genocide started, the country came to ruin and the problem of Armenia was solved with the will of 2 predators, ”says political scientist Levon Shirinyan.
The Armenians were deprived of Kars, Surmalu province, Nakhichevan, the historical Mount Ararat. Of the country with an area of 70,000 square kilometers, 29,000 remain. Historian Avetis Harutyunyan says: “If we take into consideration that the territorial issue of a country where this country did not participate, the issue of cancellation is likely to become relevant, it is a matter of time.”
Under the treaty, Soviet Russia also provided Turkey with 10,000,000 rubles, including gold, weapons and ammunition. This care of Russians infected with the fever of the world revolution had its reasons. “The countries of the world did not recognize the creation of the first Soviet state. Russia was internationally isolated and it was advantageous for Russia to have allies, ”says Harutyunyan.
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not consider it possible for 1921 Breaking of the Russian-Turkish Friendship and Brotherhood Treaty signed on March 16 According to the justification, in international practice, peace treaties, which determine the boundaries between countries, are not subject to cancellation.
Levon Shirinyan responds: “I ask the Russians, under what principle of international law was it robbed of Armenia, what principle of the Armenian people’s right to the motherland has been abolished?”
Regardless of developments, the cancellation of the Moscow Treaty may be a priority on the foreign policy agenda of the Third Republic of Armenia. “Armenian diplomacy can work with the Russians today. You are one of the parents, if not the main one, of this agreement,” says Levon Shirinyan.
The Kars treaty, signed on October 13, 1921, does not prevent this either. At that time, under pressure from the Russian Bolshevik government and Stalin, the Armenian government was forced to accept the provisions of the Moscow Treaty.
ENGLISH TRANSLATION “lousavor avedis“