Armenian is the first language of science Henry Schliemann, a well-known Trojan researcher, expressed an interesting idea

Armenian is the first language of science Henry Schliemann, a well-known Trojan researcher, expressed an interesting idea

Armenian is the first language of science Henry Schliemann, a well-known Trojan researcher, expressed an interesting idea

Հենրիխ Շլիման՝ Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann

Հենրիխ Շլիման ՝ Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius Schliemann

Armenian is the language of the first science

Henrik Schliemann, a well-known Trojan researcher, expressed a remarkable idea. “The misfortune of Europe is to have accepted Greece, and not Armenia, as the basis of civilization.”

Nowadays, people use Greek and sometimes Latin to describe any scientific word. Today we are talking about a much older era of human civilization, the origin of science, than the way of life and thought based on certain scientific achievements do not seem to appear in Latin American countries and in Greece.

However, numerous archaeological, anthropological and geological studies show that the foundations of our modern civilization were laid in the Middle East, near the so-called fertile crescent.

Our reader can familiarize himself with the lecture by Hamlet Martirosyan on the obvious traces of the spread of civilization in the Armenian highlands and the fertile area with a crescent moon.

It is also possible to recall the shocking facts recently discovered to Nor Geghi, who, using tools at least 325 thousand years old, confirm that the working man appeared in the Armenian highlands earlier than ‘in Africa, which is still considered the cradle of the intelligent man.

It would not be superfluous to remember the fact published today by Dr. Levon Episkoposyan, anthropologist-geneticist and head of the laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Based on the latest studies of 101 Bronze Age genetics specimens from different parts of Eurasia, it has been confirmed that the DNA of a man who lived in modern Armenia five thousand years ago is immutable .

This means that our existence has not been disturbed here.

Furthermore, Nvard Kochar claims that 50 to 60 thousand years ago, the Armenian anthropological type already existed.

Հայերենը՝ առաջին գիտության լեզու

The Sumerian Armen Davtyan gives solid arguments in favor of the assertion that the language of science previously accepted on earth was Armenian and that the scientific terminology and justifications were formulated on the basis of the Armenian language.

The proof of this was preserved first by the abundant petroglyphs spread over the territory of Armenia today, then by the Sumerian-Akkadian inscriptions, and to this day the Armenian language spoken in our mouths.

The ideas with which the ancient man transmitted his ideas and his knowledge are composed in the form of a rebus. It is a well known fact that only one language can be the basis of a rebus, a rebus created in one language cannot be read even in the nearest language. Because rebuses are formed on the basis of homonyms and are never repeated in different languages.

Cave paintings, Sumerian and Akkadian ideologies are very well translated into Armenian by many Armenian scientists today. No matter how many millennia have passed and the Armenian language has changed, the meaning of dictionaries has been preserved in Old Armenian, in literary versions or even in some of the many dialects.

Thus, Hamlet Martirosyan comments on why an ugly and predatory bird or a poisonous scorpion like a cyn became an ideologist symbolizing the Mother Goddess. The answer is very simple: in the language on which the writings are based, the word cyn sounds very similar to the meaning of birth, which gives birth to life and sponsors birth.

The most important and similar name to express this abstract thought in an image is the image of a bird. And the scorpion has become the symbol of a grandmother thanks to a synonym preserved in Armenian dialects, which sounds just “grandmother”. The author of the protocol with the photo of this insect that sounds like “grandmother” expressed the meaning of the Armenian grandmother, the idea of ​​the grandmother. There are many examples.

Հայերենը՝ առաջին գիտության լեզու

The language of the first script that reached us is considered to be Sumerian. However, it is already clear to scientists that the ancient Sumerian civilization was imported from another country, and now many scientists from around the world are “stuck” in the cart to discover the ancestor of the Sumerians, but it is obvious that this wagon is more political and false than scientific truth and honesty. is heavy.

Speaking as part of the “Recognize Wisdom” program, Armen Davtyan spoke of scientists’ approaches to researching this homeland. We know that the Sumerians have had great success in astronomy, insofar as before m. in. VI-V centuries Sumerian astronomical terminology was used in the Stone Age and was transmitted, just as modern science uses Latin words as scientific terminology.

In other words, astronomical data can be a solid support for finding the roots of Sumerian civilization. However, it is this circumstance that many scientists ignore, just keep quiet.

Armenian scientists mainly talk about the relations between the Sumerians and the Armenians. They speak and prove it. Armen Davtyan emphasizes astronomy, which he wrote in his book “Armenian Star Mythology”.

The speaker noted that the fact that the Sumerians belong to the same type of Madonna as the Armenians (Armenoids) that there is a common burial is, of course, a strong argument.

However, common knowledge of stellar knowledge alone would be enough to be considered the first arrival from Armenia.

According to him, the way to search for the Sumerian homeland does not go through racial and linguistic similarities, but through astronomical data.

Armen Davtyan, speaking of Armenian stellar mythology, points out that the stars have always had great significance for Armenians. Many astronomers, that is, many data containing astronomical knowledge, are the same only in Sumerian and Armenian.

For example, only the Armenians and the Sumerians call the constellation of England thus, and the world is known by the constellation of the Swan. This is how a scientist describes the path to this transition. When the notion of constellation entered Europe, people only remembered that it was named after a bird, and that they had already determined it and called it the constellation Swan.

Or in Armenian, before the name of the cayenne star of the constellation Sail, in Sumerian there is the syllable Ka-a, which reads Kaya. The origin of the star in the Sumerian inscriptions is indicated by the blind sign which means mountain, and in the Sumer plain the image of the star rising from the mountain with the mountain, other than borrowed from science , has no other explanation.

The word kur in Armenian traces its traces, for example, in the word fire, like a torrent of fire gushing from the foot of the mountain. I heard this etymology from Alexander Varpetyan.

Today’s science, however, in the words of Armen Davtyan, “maintains a heroic silence” on the facts binding the Armenians and the Sumerians.

According to the scientist, armenology is entering a new stage today.

We must now act with more caution, but refrain from cowardice and act decisively. The scientist noted that last year, the falsifiers of the story became very active and launched a large-scale attack.

“It is in our universities and academies,” he added. And this means that “very precise targets” have been reached in Armenology, which can only be refuted by silence or disinformation.

According to their “stone axes”, the new facts and discoveries which appear against outdated information and comments make the role of Armenians and Armenia in the region and the whole of human civilization clearer by the day. So what to do?

– Patiently, to expose the falsifiers point by point. They fight with very old weapons, while science today brings everything in favor of our theory. Our path will be difficult, the problem will not be solved by a short attack.

According to Armen Davtyan, the main “culprits” to claim the historical truth, to ignore the facts or to misinterpret the facts are certain Armenian scientists, which gives the foreign scientific world a basis for abstaining from speaking about Armenians while studying layers of ancient civilization.

– What they say on this side of Mashtots is useful to us. As soon as we talk about the ancient period, political hysteria begins, sabotage. Armenian scientists are sabotaged, and foreign scholars point this out. If Armenian scientists are united and tell the historical truth, this will be accepted, concludes the speaker.

Հայերենը՝ առաջին գիտության լեզու

Doesn’t the fact that there is a stone word or its translation in the names of megalithic monuments of astronomical importance scattered throughout the world not plead in favor of the fact that the Armenian language is the language of science? In England, Stone Hang (stone is synonymous with the word stone and inexplicably Heng is a particle in English), in Ireland, Kalenish (mainly a stone sign), in France, Karnak (root “stone” and suffix “Nak”), in South America, Kalasayan (Qalasayan). It’s a stone, and in relation to the second component, let’s remember Sasun and shake the root “sas” of the verb.)

We do not know many words that have passed from our language to others, because by borrowing in lesser known languages, they have lost their appearance, or we do not notice the presence of Armenian components, as in the word zodiac. Let’s not go too far, yogurt, which is considered the last loan.

The Armenian tanker was taken with food and presented to us as yogurt. Of course, many terms used today in Greek or Latin are also derived from Armenian.

For example, we translate the word agrar as a landowner, forgetting that we alone are engaged in farming on the farm.

And as long as the words of our language are not re-understood in our ears, until we realize that the temple has a mission to give, we will remain in the divine temple of our language as a beggar.

Armenuhi Palanduzyan

Հայերենը՝ առաջին գիտության լեզու

English translation – LOUSAVOR AVEDIS:
