URGENT! On the delimitation and demarcation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan + STATEMENT to the UN
OCTOBER 26, 2021 – /citizenship-western-armenia.info/ <Lousavor Avedis>
A reminder of the Appeal of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia) to the UN and to the Heads of the States – Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, of August 7, 2019, on demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, that must be strictly referred to during the current negotiation process.
According to Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969, a paper signed under the threat of force (contract, agreement, declaration, etc.) is considered invalid. (Article 52. A treaty is void if its conclusion was the result of the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law stated in the Charter of the United Nations).
And the signing of any agreement coerced by the aggressor against Armenia, where the interests of the Armenians are actually ignored, will be considered invalid and void.
Armenians all over the world will never accept such injustice and outrage, and the national liberation movement of the Armenian people will receive a new powerful impetus throughout the world.
Press Service of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia
OCTOBER 26, 2021
The full text of the Apoeal to the UN is published below.
(Below mentioned Statement is a short version of the statement in English applied to the United Nations on August 7, 2019. The original is the full version in Armenian)
To the United Nations Secretary-General
Mr. Antonio Guterres
To the United Nations Security Council
On demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan
We appeal to you to demarcate the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan taking into account the report-proposal of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace Conference of February 24, 1920 on the definition of the borders of Armenia recognizing the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) as a continuation State of Armenia as well as other legal and political facts, realities and justifications presented in this Statement.
I. Taking into consideration background of the question when
– At the beginning of 1919 in Paris the Armenian National Congress was convened. Among the most important results of the Congress there was the election of «Armenian united national delegation» («Delegation of Integrated Armenia») co-chaired by Boghos Nubar and Avetis Aharonian and the approval of pre-prepared and presented on February 12, 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference a joint memorandum on the demands of the Armenians which included the rationale for the creation of an independent Armenian State and refined its territory which included seven wilayates of Western Armenia (including Trabzon), Republic of Armenia and Cilicia;
– On February 26 the Armenian united national delegation participated in the meeting of Council of Ten where they repeated the basic requirements of the memorandum. The delegation was also received (on April 17, 1919) by US President Woodrow Wilson who assured that he would do everything possible to protect the territorial claims of Armenians;
– In his letter to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the allied powers dated November 22, 1920, the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson based on his Arbitral Award stressed out that it was necessary to take into account that the newly created Armenian State, of course, should include a significant part of the Transcaucasian Armenian regions of the former Russian Empire;
– In response to the submitted requirements of the Armenian united national delegation the Allied General Council adopted on January 19, 1920 the following decision and «de facto» recognized the State of Armenia:
- a) The Government of the Armenian State is recognized as the Government,
- b) This decision does not predetermine the Armenian State’s border issue.
On January 27, 1920 the Paris Peace Conference Secretariat formally presented these two decisions to the delegation of the Armenian national united delegation.
– On May 11, 1920 the Turkish delegation was invited to the Paris Peace Conference where they received the «Conditions of peace». The Armenian State delegation was also among the Allied Powers. In the Preamble of the «Conditions of peace» which later became the Preamble of the Treaty of Sevres Armenia is mentioned along with the Allied Powers. Thus, the Armenian State was recognized «de jure».
II. The issue of demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan
– At the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920), the Special Commission defining the borders of Armenia presented the “Proposal Report on the definition of the dorders of Armenia” on February 24, 1920 which was signed by plenipotentiaries of the member States of the Council of the League of Nations – France, UK, Italy and Japan. This report clarifies the principles of demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Georgia. It noted: «As regards the boundary between the State of Armenia and Georgia and with Azerbaijan as well, the Commission considers that it is advisable for the present to await for the results of refinement of the mentioned boundaries that the three Republics will achieve in agreements themselves. In the event that these Republics do not come to an agreement on their boundaries, this issue must be handled to the arbitration of the League of Nations that would appoint an Interallied Commission to settle above-mentioned boundaries on the spot – taking into account ethnographical data as the principle.
– The principles and provisions proposed in the report were included in the Sevres Peace Treaty (August 10, 1920) in which Article 92 is noted: «The boundaries between Armenia and Azerbaijan and as well as between Armenia and Georgia will be determined by direct consent of the States concerned. In the event that the States concerned up to the day of the decision-making referred to in Art. 89 of the Treaty, will not be able by agreement to determine the borders, then the border that is the problem will be determined by the Supreme Allied forces, which will demarcate the border locally».
– The noted document was also included into the Complete Report on the Arbitral Award (November 22, 1920) (Arbitral Award, November 22, 1920) of the 28th President of the USA Woodrow Wilson – as the 2nd document of the 1st Annex. (Full Report, Annex I, No 2).
– The principles of the report-proposal of the Special Commission defining the borders of Armenia, were never implemented due to the Sovietization of all three republics of the South Caucasus, as a result of which these republics ceased to be subjects of the international law.
– The issue of borders in the South Caucasus can and should be resolved only on the basis of the international law.
– The current political map of the States of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe was formed on the basis of the decisions, principles and proposals of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920).
– The only legal document adopted by the international community on the borders between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, the State of Armenia and the Republic of Georgia is the report-proposal of February 24, 1920 by the Special Commission of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) defining the borders of the State of Armenia .
– In accordance with the report of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) defining the borders of the State of Armenia, the right to demarcate the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Georgia was given to the League of Nations, while data on the national composition of the population before the start of the First World War were taken as the basis.
The current national composition cannot serve as the basis for demarcating the border since it arose as a result of the criminal policy of extermination and deportation of Armenians pursued by the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan. And the consequences of the crime cannot give rise to rights.
III. The Karabakh conflict is the essence of the issue of Artsakh and Armenians of Artsakh
– The Karabakh conflict is not a matter of only the Armenian and Azerbaijani confrontation as they often try to present. In fact the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh or the question of Artsakh and the Armenians of Artsakh to be exact is an extremely important component of the Armenian issue.
– The struggle of Artsakh and the Armenians of Artsakh is a struggle against the genocidal policy unleashed by the Republic of Azerbaijan, the struggle for survival, for the right to freely dispose their own destiny in accordance with the right to self-determination.
– The Republic of Azerbaijan from 1918-1920 either participated in or independently implemented the policy of genocide and deportation of Armenians. In other words, the same criminal policy against the indigenous Armenian population was carried out as in 1894-1923, and up to this day the successive Turkish authorities – Ottoman, Young Turkish and Kemalist… In fact, it can be Stated that the Genocide of Armenians continues by the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well.
– At the Paris peace conference in 1919-1920, important and fundamental decisions were made for a just resolution of the Armenian issue, which in 1920 were formalized in the form of major international treaties and decisions.
Among them:
– Report-proposal of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace conference (1919-1920 г.г.) defining the boundaries of the State Armenia;
– Sevres Peace Treaty of August 10, 1920, articles 88 – 93 that touched upon the Armenian State;
– The Arbitral decision of the 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of November 22, 1920 which full name is «The decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the State border between Turkey and Armenia, the issue of Armenia’s borders maritime access and about the demilitarization of the Turkish territories adjoining the Armenian border»;
These decisions were adopted at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920, however, they were not implemented. Meanwhile, the final and fair settlement of the issue of Artsakh and Armenians of Artsakh is possible within the framework of the final and fair settlement of the Armenian issue, with the demand and implementation of the decisions adopted at the Paris Peace Conference, including on the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
IV. Status of the Republic of Armenia.
– At the moment the Republic of Armenia, for a number of reasons, finds it difficult to resolve the Karabakh conflict as a way to choose the solution of the Armenian issue, as well as the ways to settle the conflict specified in article 2 of paragraph II of this Statement.
Let’s note these reasons.
– The First Republic of Armenia, and subsequently the Second Republic of Armenia under conditions of aggression and coercion (the Alexandropol Treaty of 02.12.1920 and the Kars Treaty of 13.10.1921) renounced the rights granted to the Armenian people and Armenian State in 1920 on the basis of unified Armenian claims, being forced to remain only within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia, that is to say Eastern Armenia and the Armenians of Eastern Armenia․
– The Third Republic of Armenia, through official Statements of its Presidents, reiterated that it remains outside the framework of the rights granted to the Armenian people and the Armenian State (the State of Armenia) in 1918-1920, provided on the basis of uniform Armenian claims, and is forced to remain only within the framework of the rights and powers of the Republic of Armenia, in other words – Eastern Armenia and the Armenians of Eastern Armenia, and defending this issue is transferred directly to the Armenian people – to the broad circles of the Armenian public.
– An equally important obstacle is the difficult military and political situation and the resulting difficult social and economic situation in which the Republic of Armenia finds itself after 1988, namely: the almost complete blockade, the military situation in the border areas and in Karabakh, etc.
– Nevertheless, being the continuity of the First Republic of Armenia, being the main guarantor of the security of the Armenians of Karabakh and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic itself, the Republic of Armenia for the above-mentioned reasons finds it difficult to act from the position of solving the Armenian issue in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict as an important component of the Armenian issue.
– At the same time, a number of facts and events testify that the military and political situation around the Republic of Armenia is methodically and deliberately exacerbated in order to prevent the Republic of Armenia from taking up the final and fair solution of the Armenian question, including final settlement of the Karabakh conflict on its basis.
– However, this does not mean that Armenians scattered throughout the world as a result of the Genocide of Armenians can accept such realities imposed on the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. On the contrary: Armenians scattered around the world, the number of which is much larger than their compatriots living in the Republic of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, chose the way of protection of the uniform rights granted to the Armenian people and the State of Armenia in 1918-1920 by the international community aimed to the final and fair solution of the Armenian question.
V. Status of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno- Karabakh Republic)
– As a result of the invasion of the XI Red Army on April 28 and December 2, 1920, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia were sovietized, respectively, and on February 25, 1921 – the Republic of Georgia. In June 1921, on the basis of the Soviet Azerbaijan’s Declaration of renunciation of claims to “disputed territories” and on the basis of an agreement between the Governments of the Soviet Armenia and the Soviet Azerbaijan, the Soviet Armenia declared Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) as its integral part. The act of unification was welcomed by both the international community and the newly established Soviet Russia.
It was recorded in the resolution of the League of Nations of December 18, 1920, as well as in the reference note of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations addressed to the States members of the League of Nations, and in the annual report for 1920-1921 addressed to the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR and the Supreme body of the government power of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic – XI Congress of Soviets.
– On July 5, 1921, at its meeting, the Caucasian Bureau of the Russian Communist party (Bolsheviks), ignoring the relevant resolution of the League of Nations and the opinion of the people of Artsakh as a democratic tool for determining the borders between Soviet Armenia and Soviet Azerbaijan, in opposition to the resolution on unification, and with procedural violations adopted an illegal decision on the forcible separation of Artsakh from Soviet Armenia – with the condition of the formation of national autonomy with broad powers within the Soviet Azerbaijan. Thus, a significant part of the historical Armenian and Armenian – populated territories was transferred to Soviet Azerbaijan.
– On July 7, 1923, Artsakh was dismembered by an illegal decision of the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan: the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous region (NKAR) was established in one part, and the territories of lowland Karabakh came under direct subordination to the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time, the Red Kurdistan was artificially formed. The purpose of the latter was to abolish the land connection between Soviet Armenia and NKAR. In 1929, the Red Kurdistan was abolished, and the territory was directly included into the Azerbaijan SSR.
– On February 20, 1988, the extraordinary joint session of deputies of regional and district councils of the NKAR adopted the Decision and appealed to the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR on withdrawal from the Azerbaijan SSR, and to the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR on the inclusion of the NKAR into the Armenian SSR. The authorities of the USSR were urged to satisfy this request based on all legal norms and precedents for resolving such controversial issues.
– However, this step, aimed at resolving the problem in a civilized way and by means of free will, was followed by a wave of violence against the Armenian population, massive violation of the rights of the Armenian people, forced deportation of the Armenian population, a complete blockade and the like. Pogroms and massacres of the Armenian population began in the cities of the Republic of Azerbaijan located hundreds of kilometers from NKAR – in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad, Shamkhor. As a result, hundreds of people were killed and even more people were injured. About 500 thousand citizens of Armenian nationality of the Republic of Azerbaijan became refugees. Thus, the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized and carried out a real genocide and deportation against the indigenous Armenian population living on the territory of the republic.
– On September 2, 1991, at the joint session of people’s deputies of the regional Council of NKAR and Shahumyan district Council in Stepanakert, the “Declaration on the proclamation of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic” was adopted on the territory of the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous region and Shahumyan district.
– On 10 December 1991, a referendum on independence was held in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the presence of international observers on the basis of the people’s right to self-determination in which 80 per cent of the population with the right to vote took part. And the absolute majority of voters – 99.89% voted for independence.
– On January 6, 1992, the Supreme Council of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic adopted the Declaration «On the State independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic».
– The first Constitution of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic was adopted by referendum on December 10, 2006.
– The new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Artsakh was adopted at the referendum held on February 20, 2017.
– On August 11, 1992, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution condemning the actions of the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as amendment No. 907 to the Freedom Support Act, prohibiting the U.S. administration at the government level to provide economic assistance to this State.
– On May 5, 1994, with the mediation of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and the CIS inter-parliamentary Assembly, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Nagorno – Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia signed the Bishkek Protocol in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, on the basis of which a Ceasefire Agreement was signed between the same parties on May12, which, with permanent violations of the ceasefire regime, to some extent remained until the new aggression of the Republic of Azerbaijan – the unleashed four-day April war of 2016.
– In order to settle the Karabakh conflict, the OSCE Minsk group was established in 1992 within the framework of which the negotiation process aimed at the settlement of the Karabakh conflict is carried out.
VI. Obstacles imposed by the Republic of Azerbaijan to a fair and final settlement of the problems of Artsakh and Nakhichevan.
– It should be noted that the mediation mission of the OSCE Minsk group established in 1992 for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has not been able to achieve significant success up to the present day, because:
– Due to the politicization of the problem, neither the OSCE Minsk group, where negotiations on the Karabakh conflict have been conducted for almost two decades, nor the UN, nor any other competent international body have been presented yet with the legal package of the Karabakh conflict.
Throughout its mediation mission the OSCE Minsk group regardless of its will and desire has made the original Armenian ancestral territories a subject of bargaining. This refers primarily to the liberated territories, which are in fact an integral part of the homeland of the Armenians.
– Artsakh was subordinated to the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic by the decision of the party
body – the Caucasian Bureau of the Russian Communist party (Bolsheviks) of July 5, 1921. It is obvious that from the point of view of both domestic and international law, this decision is illegitimate and invalid, since any body has the right to decision-making only on those issues on which the structure has the appropriate authority. The Caucasian Bureau of the Russian Communist party (Bolsheviks) did not have such powers. It is obvious that the Caucasian Bureau had exceeded the framework of its authority. International law does not grant such powers to party bodies, even if those parties are the ruling parties.
– The Nakhichevan Armenian region, in turn, was transferred to the protectorate of the Republic of Azerbaijan under the illegitimate Moscow Treaty of March 16, 1921 (art. 3) and the Kars Treaty of October 13, 1921 (art. 5) –as the Nakhichevan Autonomous region, provided that Azerbaijan does not concede this protectorate to a third State. In 1924, by another illegitimate decision of the Republic of Azerbaijan, it was renamed the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, thus the region was removed from the status of protectorate established by these treaties.
– Since its establishment in 1918, the Republic of Azerbaijan has been implementing a program of Genocide and deportation of Armenians.
– Since February 1988, the Republic of Azerbaijan has carried out a complete blockade of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and the Republic of Armenia, to which the Republic of Turkey also joined in 1993 by organizing a blockade of the Republic of Armenia.
– The Republic of Azerbaijan does not want to hear about the right of Armenians of Artsakh to free self-determination and free life, repeatedly stating that it will not recognize the independence of the Republic of Artsakh.
– Over the entire period of its existence, and especially from 1988 and up to the present time, the Republic of Azerbaijan has been openly pursuing an Armenian – phobic State policy, and under such circumstances, the mediation mission, naturally, cannot be a success.
– In April 2016, contrary to the requirements of the ceasefire agreement signed in May 1994, the Republic of Azerbaijan undertook a new aggression and broke out a four-day war against the Republic of Artsakh and the Armenians of the Republic of Artsakh, committing new war crimes.
– The Republic of Azerbaijan carried out the policy of deportation of Armenians of Nakhichevan, which threatened and continues to threaten the Armenians of Artsakh. According to statistics, in 1917, 53.9 thousand Armenians lived in Nakhichevan (which was almost half of the population), and in 1926 the number of Armenians reduced to 11.2 thousand. Persecution of Armenians in Nakhichevan by the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan acquired a special scale in the 1960s-1980s, as a result of which the number continued to reduce. The last Armenians were deported from Nakhichevan in 1988, after the Armenian pogroms in Sumgait organized by the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
– The Republic of Azerbaijan continues to occupy a number of Armenian territories: from the territories of the Republic of Armenia – Artsvashen, from the territories of Artsakh – Shahumyan district, a significant part of the Martouni, Martakert and Getashen districts, Gardman, including the legendary village of Chardakhlu – the homeland of 2 marshals of the Soviet Union and 12 generals.
– Contrary to the Arbitration Award of the 28th us President Woodrow Wilson (November 22, 1920) and the Declaration of independence of Cilicia (August 4, 1920) the Republic of Turkey continues the occupation of Western Armenia and Armenian Cilicia.
– The Republic of Azerbaijan is carrying out the destruction of the Armenian heritage in the occupied territories, an eloquent example of which is the destruction of 89 medieval Armenian churches, 5,480 khachkars (and 22,700 tombstones in the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Artsakh and Nakhichevan, including 400 khachkars (cross-stones) in Agulis and the destruction of thousands of medieval original and ancient khachkars (cross-stones) of Jugha in Nakhichevan in 2005.
– Consequently, the only way to establish a stable and long-term peace in the South Caucasus is the implementation by the UN as the successor of the League of Nations the demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, based on the report-proposal of February 24, 1924 of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace conference on the definition of the borders of the State of Armenia and on the basis of data on the national composition of the population before the start of the First World War.
VII. Taking into account the existing military and political situation in the region, according to which:
– Armed conflicts do not cease in the Middle East and South Caucasus;
– The implementation of all the provisions of the Treaty of Sevres can be a decisive step in the establishment of genuine peace and cooperation in the Middle East and South Caucasus;
– The borders of the States of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe and borders of the State of Armenia as well were approved by Sevres Peace Treaty concerning that there was the Arbitral Award of 28 US President Woodrow Wilson on November 22, 1920, but which has not been implemented yet;
– In fact it can be said that the main decisions for a fair settlement of the Armenian issue have been taken long ago but have not implemented yet. It should be noted that the time has ripened for their implementation. And the current tough reality is that no country and no nation in the Middle East will remain indifferent to the threats of the present and the future unless each of them chooses the legal and political way to solve existing problems and conflicts peacefully. All illegitimate strong-willed political decisions will keep the conflicting parties, their countries and future generations as hostages and every fifty years conflicts and confrontations, wars and chaos will flare up in the Balkans, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Afghanistan with new strength.
VIII. According to the following legal documents relating to the solution of the Armenian issue:
– The Decree of the Government of Russia (Council of People’s Commissars of Russia) «About Turkish Armenia» («About Western Armenia») of January 11, 1918;
– The decision of the Supreme Council of the Allied Nations during the Paris Conference on de facto recognition of the independence of the State of Armenia of January 19, 1920;
– The decision of the Supreme Council of the Allied Nations on de jure recognition of the independence of the State of Armenia of May 11, 1920;
– Declaration of Independence of Armenian Cilicia of August 4, 1920;
– Discussion of the mandate of Armenia held in the US Senate on May 29 – June 1, 1920, which means that the USA de facto recognized the right and title of the Armenian State in relation to the Armenian territories, thereby recognizing the right and title of the Ottoman Empire in relation to these territories as invalid;
– Sevres Peace Treaty (articles 88 – 93 which concerned the State of Armenia) of August 10, 1920;
– The Arbitral Award of the 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of November 22, 1920 the full name of which is «The decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the State border between Turkey and Armenia, the issue of Armenia’s borders maritime access and about the demilitarization of the Turkish territories adjoining the Armenian border».
IX. Based on the following international documents:
– The United Nations Charter of June 26, 1945;
– The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948;
– The European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Rome, of November 4, 1950;
– The UN Convention on the Rights and Duties of States («Montevideo Convention») of December 26, 1933;
– The UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of December 9, 1948;
– The UN Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity of November 26, 1968;
– The UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples of December 14, 1960;
– The UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of November 20, 1963;
– The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of May 23, 1969;
– The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of September 13, 2007;
– The UN Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace of November 12, 1984;
– The UN Declaration on the Right to Development of December 4, 1986;
– The UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities of December 18, 1992;
– The UN Declaration on the Rule of Law at the National and International Level of September 24, 2012.
X. Based on the decisions taken by the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia):
– Decisions on the formation of the Institute of national identity and citizenship of Armenians of Western Armenia adopted on the basis of the United Nations Declaration “On the rights of indigenous peoples” of September 13, 2007;
– The Declaration of the National Council of Armenians of Western Armenia «On the right of self-determination of Armenians of Western Armenia», Shushi of December 17, 2004;
– The Declaration of the National Council of Western Armenia «On the beginning of Government formation of Western Armenia in Exile» of February 04, 2011;
– The Declaration of the National Council of Armenians of Western Armenia and the Government of Western Armenia in exile «On the formation of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia» of May 24, 2013;
– The Law of the Republic of Western Armenia «On the State structure of Western Armenia, status of deputies of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia and the rule of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia» of January 21, 2014;
– Presidential Decree on the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) No. 12 «The Republic of Western Armenia as a Continuity State», – on the Republic of Western Armenia as a continuity State of Armenian State recognized in 1920, of February 23, 2014;
– Presidential Decree of the Republic of Western Armenia «On the drafting of the Constitution of the Republic of Western Armenia» of May 9, 2016;
– The decision of the National Council of Armenians of Western Armenia «On the permanent, armed and positive neutrality of the Armenians of Western Armenia and Western Armenia itself» of March 29,;
– The National Council Decree of Armenians of Western Armenia «On the establishment of self-defence forces of Armenians of Western Armenia» of December 26, 2012;
– The Decision of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia «On the Formation of the Defence Forces of Armenians of Western Armenia» of January 10, 2018.
XI. Taking into account the political and legal basis for the formation of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia)
– Based on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of September 13, 2007, the National Identity and Citizenship Institute of Armenians of Western Armenia was established and the legal and political basis of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) and its State structures were absolutely legitimately formed;
– In accordance with Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since 2013 the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) has formed absolutely legitimate bodies of State power – the National Assembly (Parliament), the Government and the Institute of Presidency;
– In November 2013 for the first time in the world elections of the deputies of the Parliament of Western Armenia were held by direct electronic voting on the Internet which were conducted under universal and equal suffrage by free and secret ballot. Elections were held in 41 countries, 64 deputies of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia were elected. On September 1-5, 2018, elections of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia of the 2nd convocation were held, in which 51,505 voters from 47 countries took part, and 101 deputies were elected on a single list;
– The Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) by adopting the relevant Laws, recognized, acceded and ratified the Charter of the United Nations and all most important International Treaties, Conventions and Declarations.
XII. Taking into account the following Statements submitted by the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) to the United Nations:
– Application for membership of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) in the United Nations of May 25, 2018.
– Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) to the United Nations «On the implementation of the Arbitral Award of the 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson of November 22, 1920 «the Decision of the President of the United States Woodrow Wilson on the establishment of the State border between Turkey and Armenia, about Armenia’s excess to the sea and the demilitarization of adjacent Turkish Armenian border territories», aimed at establishing the Republic of Western Armenia (Government of Armenia) within the territories established by the Arbitral Award of the 28th US President Woodrow Wilson of May 29, 2018;
– Statement of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)to the United Nations «On demilitarization of the territories of Western Armenia and Cilicia and withdrawal of the occupation forces of the Republic of Turkey» of November 20, 2018;
– These Statements in fact relate to the decisions already taken by the international community regarding the rights of the Armenian people but have not been implemented yet.
XIII. Taking into account that
– Armenians like any nation in the world have the right to live, develop and have their future which means that they have the right to demand the establishment of their own State on their ancestral
homeland – in Armenian Highland, in Armenia;
– The State structures of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia) declare that they undertake to protect the rights granted to the Armenian people by the Sevres peace Treaty and the Arbitration Award of the 28th President of the United States of America Woodrow Wilson, and to implement these rights, including the demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, acting as the continuity State of the State of Armenia recognized de facto and de jure in 1920.
We appeal to You to carry out the border demarcation between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan,
taking into account the report-proposal of February 24, 1920 of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace conference of 1919-1920 on the definition of the borders of the State of Armenia;
taking into account that the only legal document regarding the borders of the Armenian State with the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Georgia is the report-proposal of February 24, 1920 of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace conference of 1919-1920 on the definition of the borders of the State of Armenia;
taking into account that according to the report-proposal of February 24, 1920 of the Special Commission of the Paris Peace conference of 1919-1920 on the definition of the borders of the State of Armenia, demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan was provided to the League of Nations, taking as a basis the information on the national composition of the population before the start of the First World War;
recognizing the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) as the continuity State of the State of Armenia (the Armenian State), as well as other legal and political facts, realities and justifications set forth in this Statement.
XIV. Solution on this Application:
«On demarcation of the border between the State of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan» was adopted on July 17, 2019 at the joint session of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia and the Government of the Republic of Western Armenia (State of Armenia).
XV. We also inform that we are ready to provide with
– additional information and documents you will need regarding this Statement;
– an authorized representative of the Republic of Western Armenia (the State of Armenia) for direct contacts and discussions if it is necessary.
Radik Khamoyan
President of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)
Tigran Pashabezyan
Prime Minister of the Republic of Western Armenia (Armenia)
Armen Ter-Sarkisyan
President of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Western Armenia
August 7, 2019