According to Turkish professor Dr. Salim C ÖHCE, in the period 1915-1923, about 600 thousand Armenians, mostly children, were Islamized
June 27, 2021 – Genocide of Armenian
According to Turkish professor Dr. Salim C ÖHCE, head of Inonu University History Department in Turkey, in the period 1915-1923, about 600 thousand Armenians, mostly children, were Islamized. Now they should have about 4 million descendants in Turkey.
According to Italian professor Giovanni Guaita, at least 150 thousand Armenians, mostly children, were Islamized in 1895 At this time, should have about 1 million descendants in Turkey.
So today in Turkey there should be at least 5 million descendants of these Armenian children who forced accession to Islam in the period 1895-1923, not counting Hemshils (Armenian origin, who were originally Christians but over the centuries they evolved into a distinct ethnic group, and turned into Sunni Muslims after conquering the Ottomans of the region in the second half of the 15th century).
There is evidence that a large percentage (up to 80 %, over 60 million people) of modern Turkey’s population, somehow, have Armenian roots.
In the photo, Armenian orphans of the Adana who were forced to fly the Ottoman Empire flags and a portrait of Enver Pasha. The killer of parents of these children as ‘ ‘ hero and savior “. Enver Pasha was one of the organizers of the Armenian Genocide.
Turks often use and share this photo as proof that Enver Pasha did not kill Armenians, but saved them and built orphanages for orphans.
Imagine, millions of Turks with Armenian blood running through their veins….
facebook – Vania Adomian Apikian